📄 Description
ImaginaryCTF 2021 is an all new CTF competition, with all skill levels welcome to participate.
It runs from July 23 to July 27, starting and ending at 4 PM UTC. In the competition, teams of up to six players will be challenged to hack websites and servers, crack codes, and recover information through challenges in cryptography, binary exploitation, web exploitation, forensics, reversing, and more.
We hope you will have fun and learn something new!
Join our discord server to receive updates
🏆 Prizes
Thanks to Trail of Bits and Cybrancee for providing prizes for this CTF!
The prizes are:
1st Place: $250 gift card
2nd Place: $200 gift card
3rd Place: $150 gift card
4th Place: $125 gift card
5th Place: $100 gift card
$200 prize pool for the best writeups (open to everyone!)
🚩 Flags
hidden --> ictf{wut_how_do_you_see_this}
chicken_caesar --> ictf{wHen_dID_cAEseR_cIphERs_gEt_sO_hARd}
vacation --> ictf{38.947_-119.961}
stackoverflow --> ictf{4nd_th4t_1s_why_y0u_ch3ck_1nput_l3ngth5_486b39aa}
roos_world --> ictf{1nsp3ct0r_r00_g0es_th0nk}
password_protected --> ictf{dont_use_zipcrypto_5e2b32f3}
formatting --> ictf{c4r3rul_w1th_f0rmat_str1ngs_4a2bd219}
imaginary --> ictf{n1c3_y0u_c4n_4dd_4nd_subtr4ct!_49fd21bc}
unpuzzled1 --> ictf{1_h0p3_y0u_d1dnt_d0x_y0urs3lf_92bc1032}
spelling_test --> ictf{youpassedthespellingtest}
fake_canary --> ictf{m4ke_y0ur_canaries_r4ndom_f492b211}
speedrun --> ictf{4ut0m4t1ng_expl0it_d3v????_b7d75e95}
flip_flop --> ictf{fl1p_fl0p_b1ts_fl1pped_b6731f96}
stings --> ictf{str1ngs_4r3nt_h1dd3n_17b21a69}
Name | Flags |
stackoverflow | ictf{4nd_th4t_1s_why_y0u_ch3ck_1nput_l3ngth5_486b39aa} |
roos_world | ictf{1nsp3ct0r_r00_g0es_th0nk} |
formatting | ictf{c4r3rul_w1th_f0rmat_str1ngs_4a2bd219} |
imaginary | ictf{n1c3_y0u_c4n_4dd_4nd_subtr4ct!_49fd21bc} |
spelling_test | ictf{youpassedthespellingtest} |
fake_canary | ictf{m4ke_y0ur_canaries_r4ndom_f492b211} |
speedrun | ictf{4ut0m4t1ng_expl0it_d3v????_b7d75e95} |
flip_flop | ictf{fl1p_fl0p_b1ts_fl1pped_b6731f96} |
stings | ictf{str1ngs_4r3nt_h1dd3n_17b21a69} |