Our l33t hackers hacked a bulletin board and gained access to the database. We need to find the admin password.
The user's database info is:
We know from the source code that the salt is put AFTER the password, then hashed. We also know the user likes to use lowercase passwords of only 5 characters long.
The flag is the plaintext password.
By looking at the hash length the hashing function must be md5 lets write a python bruteforce code
import itertools
import hashlib
import string
pwd_hash = '2bafea54caf6f8d718be0f234793a9be'
salt = b'04532@#!!'
for key in itertools.product(string.ascii_lowercase,repeat=5):
key = ''.join(key).encode()
if hashlib.md5(key+salt).hexdigest() == pwd_hash:
print('key =',key.decode())
Response :
key = 'brute'
flag : brixelCTF{brute}