I've been building a brand new Massively(?) Multiplayer(?) Online Role-Playing(?) Game(?) - try it out! Just don't try and visit the secret dev room...
If you do not have the linked libraries, download rarpg-libs.zip and extract the libraries into your working directory. Then use
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(pwd) ./client <ip> <port>
- File : client
Client Analysis
Here we have a client for an ascii game\ The goal is to get to the "dev zone"
Looking at the game we have 3 types of tile :
- walkable
- teleporter (X)
- wall (~ or W)
│ X │
│ │
│ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WWWWWW │
│X ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ W XW │
│ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WWWWWW │
│ * │
│ X │
│ │
You are the *
Being through all teleporters it seems that we are interested by the one enclosed by W
Looking at the client, there is an interesting function sym.move_okay_int__int_
┌ 116: sym.move_okay_int__int_ (int64_t arg1, int64_t arg2);
│ ; var int64_t var_11h @ rbp-0x11
│ ; var int64_t var_10h @ rbp-0x10
│ ; var uint32_t var_ch @ rbp-0xc
│ ; var int64_t var_8h @ rbp-0x8
│ ; var int64_t var_4h @ rbp-0x4
│ ; arg int64_t arg1 @ rdi
│ ; arg int64_t arg2 @ rsi
│ 0x00404970 55 push rbp ; move_okay(int, int)
│ 0x00404971 4889e5 mov rbp, rsp
│ 0x004049ba 8945f4 mov dword [var_ch], eax
│ 0x004049bd 837df420 cmp dword [var_ch], 0x20
│ 0x004049c1 b101 mov cl, 1
│ 0x004049c3 884def mov byte [var_11h], cl
│ ┌─< 0x004049c6 0f840a000000 je 0x4049d6
│ │ 0x004049cc 837df458 cmp dword [var_ch], 0x58
│ │ 0x004049d0 0f94c0 sete al
│ │ 0x004049d3 8845ef mov byte [var_11h], al
│ │ ; CODE XREF from move_okay(int, int) @ 0x4049c6
│ └─> 0x004049d6 8a45ef mov al, byte [var_11h]
│ 0x004049d9 2401 and al, 1
│ 0x004049db 0fb6c0 movzx eax, al
│ 0x004049de 4883c420 add rsp, 0x20
│ 0x004049e2 5d pop rbp
└ 0x004049e3 c3 ret
Here two cmp are important @ 0x004049bd and 0x004049cc The first check if we want to move the player to an empty tile : 0x20 = ' ' \ The second one check if we are going to a teleporter : 0x58 = 'X'
Communication analysis
To analyse communication between client and server, I have slightly modified a simple udp replay python script from here (Thx to EtiennePerot) :
- File : udp-relay.py
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Super simple script that listens to a local UDP port and relays all packets to an arbitrary remote host.
# Packets that the host sends back will also be relayed to the local UDP client.
# Works with Python 2 and 3
import sys, socket
import parser
import importlib
# Whether or not to print the IP address and port of each packet received
def fail(reason):
sys.stderr.write(reason + '\n')
if len(sys.argv) != 2 or len(sys.argv[1].split(':')) != 3:
fail('Usage: udp-relay.py localPort:remoteHost:remotePort')
localPort, remoteHost, remotePort = sys.argv[1].split(':')
localPort = int(localPort)
fail('Invalid port number: ' + str(localPort))
remotePort = int(remotePort)
fail('Invalid port number: ' + str(remotePort))
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
s.bind(('', localPort))
fail('Failed to bind on port ' + str(localPort))
knownClient = None
knownServer = (remoteHost, remotePort)
sys.stdout.write('All set, listening on '+str(localPort)+'.\n')
while True:
data, addr = s.recvfrom(32768)
if knownClient is None or addr != knownServer:
if debug:
knownClient = addr
if debug:
print("Packet received from "+str(addr))
if addr == knownClient:
if debug:
print("\tforwording tO "+str(knownServer))
s.sendto(parser.parse(data,True), knownServer)
if debug:
print("\tforwarding to "+str(knownClient))
s.sendto(parser.parse(data,False), knownClient)
And a parser dynamically imported to manipulate packets.\ Thanks to this we can see that packets with the map are sent from the server to the client.
So one way to solve this challenge is to manipulate the map for the player to be able to walk to the "dev teleporter" The parser is very simple :
- File : parser.py
import binascii
def parse(data,out):
if len(data) != 198:
return data
if out:
print('--> ',end='')
print('<-- ',end='')
data = data.replace(b'W',b' ')
return data
Now the teleporter is free to walk on :
│ X │
│ │
│ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ │
│X ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ X │
│ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ │
│ * │
│ X │
│ │
and we get the flag :
│* │
│ rarctf{g4m3_h4ck1ng_f0r_n00b5!-75f8b0} │
│ │
│ │
flag : rarctf{g4m3_h4ck1ng_f0r_n00b5!-75f8b0}