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The problem

Let's take a look to the encryption part So, first the script generates 2 prime numbers p & q of 256 bits and ensures that p is less than q. Then it returns, the public exponent e, the modulus n, the ciphertext c, and a hint, which is n % (q-1).

from Crypto.Util.number import getPrime, bytes_to_long

flag = bytes_to_long(open("/challenge/flag.txt", "rb").read())

def genkey():
e = 0x10001
p, q = getPrime(256), getPrime(256)
if p <= q:
p, q = q, p
n = p * q
pubkey = (e, n)
privkey = (p, q)
return pubkey, privkey

def encrypt(m, pubkey):
e, n = pubkey
c = pow(m, e, n)
return c

pubkey, privkey = genkey()
c = encrypt(flag, pubkey)
hint = pubkey[1] % (privkey[1] - 1)
print('pubkey:', pubkey)
print('hint:', hint)
print('c:', c)

Let's get these numbers with the IP provided :

nc 27855

And we get :

e = 65537
n = 9205850565099355009233119992333308509057926987587516553442010262770434065524651458723071213422539739783091104957937112504373819793996033829929775503108243
c = 7373290721518384012603108696715714033444163435512092120442505886297149465422635100860419886468382605598579995038885045596223387641682763096919583716818416

hint = 571338771748514167423682983583747408415015678000205027955504564266299803503

The goal is to uncipher c to get the flag under the formrarctf{something}

The solution

Let's note R = hint for more conveniency. We have :

n = p*q

p > q

n % (q - 1) = R

In order to resolve the problem, we need to factorize n. So, we need to find q and p. Testing n in factor.db gives nothing. So we need do some math :

n mod (q-1) = R
p*q mod (q-1) = R
[ p mod (q-1) * q mod (q-1) ] mod (q-1) =R
[ p mod (q-1) * 1 ] mod (q-1) = R
[ p mod (q-1) ] mod (q-1) = R
p mod (q-1) = R

p ~ q and q < p
=> p = k*(q-1) + R where k = 1 because q ~ p
=> p = q - 1 + R
=> p - q = R - 1

or n = p * q
=> n = q * (q + R -1)
=> q^2 + (R-1) * q - n = 0

Find the positive root and we have q, next we have p, next we break it lul

To find q, we need to solve the equation above. Let's use Sage to do this :

sage: e = 65537                                                                                                  
sage: n = 9205850565099355009233119992333308509057926987587516553442010262770434065524651458723071213422539739783091104957937112504373819793996033829929775503108243
sage: c = 7373290721518384012603108696715714033444163435512092120442505886297149465422635100860419886468382605598579995038885045596223387641682763096919583716818416
sage: R = 571338771748514167423682983583747408415015678000205027955504564266299803503
sage: var('t')
sage: Pol = t^2+t*(R-1)-n
sage: solve(Pol,t)
[t == 95661879681818872731638606929439794975150932660862158767273961317066822333587,
t == -96233218453567386899062289913023542383565948338862363795229465881333122137089]

sage: q = 95661879681818872731638606929439794975150932660862158767273961317066822333587
sage: p = n/q
sage: p
sage: p*q == n
True # So we have p and q !
sage: d = pow(e,-1,(p-1)*(q-1))
sage: d
sage: m = pow(c,d,n)
sage: m

Converting m with long_to_bytes() function (from pycryptodome python package) and we obtain the flag:

flag : rarctf{g3n3r1c_m4th5_equ4t10n_th1ng_ch4ll3ng3_5a174f54e6}