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The problem

Let's take a look at the encryption part

from Crypto.Util.number import *

p = getPrime(256)
q = getPrime(256)
n = p * q
e = 0x69420

flag = bytes_to_long(open("flag.txt", "rb").read())
print("n =",n)
print("e =", e)
print("ct =",(flag * e) % n)

This script return the public exposant e, the modulus n and the ciphertext ct, available in the file output.txt.

n = 5496273377454199065242669248583423666922734652724977923256519661692097814683426757178129328854814879115976202924927868808744465886633837487140240744798219
e = 431136
ct = 3258949841055516264978851602001574678758659990591377418619956168981354029697501692633419406607677808798749678532871833190946495336912907920485168329153735

So the encryption is very weak, we just need to solve a.x mod n = b

The solution

In order to solve the equation we use the [extended Euclid algorithm](Extended Euclidean algorithm - Wikipedia) since e and n are coprime. So, let's deduce (u,v) the coefficients of Bézout's identity for e and n.

=> e.u + v.n = 1
=> e.u = 1 mod n

So, we have the u, v and the following equation :

flag*e = ct (mod n)

By multiplying each side of the equation by u, we can deduce :

flag*e*u = ct*u (mod n)
=> flag*1 = ct*u (mod n)
=> flag = ct*u (mod n)

Let's use Sage to retrieve the plaintext message flag :

sage: n = 5496273377454199065242669248583423666922734652724977923256519661692097814683426757178129328854814879115976202924927868808744465886633837487140240744798219                                                                       
sage: e = 431136
sage: ct = 3258949841055516264978851602001574678758659990591377418619956168981354029697501692633419406607677808798749678532871833190946495336912907920485168329153735
sage: d,u,v = xgcd(e,n)                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
sage: d == 1
sage: u

sage: flag = (ct*u).mod(n)
sage: flag

Using python, let's apply long_to_bytes() function (from pycryptodome python package) to this final number, an we obtain :

flag : rarctf{ST3GL0LS_ju5t_k1dd1ng_th1s_w4s_n0t_st3g_L0L!_83b7e829d9}